41 Weeks!

I just keep on growing!  This week I didn’t have any new teeth come in, but I do have several that should pop through anytime.  Mom was also a little bittersweet this week because I go some new clothes that are 12-18 months, I’ll be wearing them soon enough!  I’ve been practicing my crawling, cruising, finding hidden objects, and “talking”.  Can you believe mom already made my 1-year checkup appointment???  Time sure does fly when you have as much fun as I do!

2 thoughts on “41 Weeks!

  1. Hey Can-Man! I miss you so much!! I can’t wait to come down for a visit now that your daddy isn’t doing wrestling every weekend. Hope you and mommy enjoyed your snow days together. But I’m sure you’re ready for sunshine because I sure am. Tell mommy and daddy and of course Roxy, I said hello. Sounds like I need to get you some more clothes since you’re getting to be a big man now! You hold down the house little man!

    Aunt Beth

  2. Hi Canton Gregory,
    Happy 41st. Week Birthday!!!!You have grown so fast and learned so many new things. You just amaze me. You are just growing right out of your clothes but I will go back to Pumpkin Patch and buy you somemore. I enjoy doing that. I love to skype with you and Mom and watch you walk with your truck and some of the other toys you have. Now your newest trick is trying to climb stairs. It won”t be long….You can really put your blocks back together. Soon your top teeth will be popping through and then you will start chewing your food. Keep that preciouis smile and that twinkle in your eyes….Love all of you, “Mal” & Pap

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