New Helmet

We went to get our new helmet today.  The people there are so nice and we are hopeful that this one will do its job!  It is custom made for just me and will address each of my bumps and dents. 

Mal and Pap are coming down tomorrow to help put my swingset together!  Yay! 🙂

One thought on “New Helmet

  1. Hi Canton Gregory,
    It seems like you just “go with the flow”!!! You are such a strong, happy little boy and keep right on smiling and walking all over the place. Your eyes are always sparkling and you look so cute with your four new teeth. We are looking so forward to being with everyone for your 1st. Birthday….Have a happy day and enjoy playing with Roxy. Thanks for skyping with us. Love all of you.
    “Mal” & Pap

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