Weekend Warrior

Well, mom is pretty much living for the weekend now.  I’m having a great time with Dena and Drew, but mom misses me so much.  We had a great time this weekend, making the most of the time we have.  I made her some handprint magnets at Dena’s and helped dad make a frame of all kinds of pictures of me for her birthday, I think she liked it.

We spent a TON of time outside this weekend.  I walked up the whole slide all by myself!  I picked mom some more flowers, took lots of long walks, and just enjoyed the weaning summer days.  I also got to see my girl Lilamae!  I’m learning more body parts, I can say and identify “eyes”, “mouth”, and sometimes “nose”, I can also point to my ear (note the picture of me and mom), toes, and bellybutton, not bad for a little guy.  Helmet comes off Tuesday! 🙂

2 thoughts on “Weekend Warrior

  1. oh my gosh, so super cute! i like the mouth ones where you look like indians…and i really like your shirt 🙂 good luck on tuesday!

  2. Hi Buddy
    I am so glad you like it outside, you will keep Mom & Dad very busy this winter playing in the snow. Good luck with you helmet, hope all goes well. oh by the way GREAT SHIRT.

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