Charlotte Nature Museum

We went to Dr. Arnone of Friday, he’s pretty impressed with me! I just climb right up on the table, throw my paper away, he just loves me! We don’t have to go back for six weeks, and then after that not for a few months!

After my appointment we stopped by the Nature Museum where I saw all kinds of bugs, birds, you name it. Mom was not happy about how into the snakes I was, but that’s just how little boys are Mom! I had a great time because I’m such an outside boy! Oh and by the way, no nap!

One thought on “Charlotte Nature Museum

  1. Hi Canton Gregory,
    What a wonderful day you, Mom & Dad had at the Charlotte Nature Museum. You saw all kinds of animals including “snakes”. You are such a big boy you were not afraid of them… You make the cutest bug because you are the cutest big boy. I know you loved walking around all over the place as you do love to walk. You have done so much in 2 Years!!! So glad your appointment with Dr. Arnone went well. Hope to see all of you soon. Love you……

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