Discovery Place Again!

Friday (10/28) mom, dad, and I went to Dr. Arnone’s for my head. He is SUPER proud of me! He says next time I’ll get an x-ray because I’m almost done!

Afterwards, we went to Discovery Place for the second time! It was incredible! I ran around like crazy, climbed this HUGE slide/climby thing all by MYSELF, and stood up for myself a couple times to some bigger kids! Some 4 yr old tried took one of my trains, but I just took it right back and said “no, don’t take my trains, that’s not nice” I had to set him straight.

OCD Much? I had to have everything orderly, just like my girl Jessica 🙂

We’ll post again for Halloween soon, I’m going to be SUPER CUTE!

One thought on “Discovery Place Again!

  1. Hi Canton Gregory,
    So glad you are doing so well with your visits to Dr. Arnone. Maybe one more visit with him will be it. You certainly have done well.
    Looks like you, Mom & Dad had a wonderful day. You always have fun together and do lots of interesting things. Have fun and I hope to skype with you & Mom soon.
    Love all of you…..

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