Hi Buddy
Now I know why the Broncos won, You do a GREAT Tebow keep it up and we will be watching you in the superbowl one day.
Tebowing-Canton! Looking good little man, very nice form! Just keep mimicing UF quaterbacks, not VT or you’ll be wearing jailhouse orange.
Hi Canton Gregory,
Thanks for sharing another one of your great talents!!! You amaze all of us. Wonder what you will be showing us next? We love all of you and thanks again for the adorable blanket with your picture on it you gave me for Christmas. I love it!!!!!
Keep up the Tebowing!! I think you do it better than Tebow himself. And remember to cheer for those Hokie Alums like #19, Eddie Royal! He made a spectaculor TD catch 🙂
Miss you buddy!! Hope to see you and Mommy and Daddy and your sister Roxy soon!! 🙂
Hi Buddy
Now I know why the Broncos won, You do a GREAT Tebow keep it up and we will be watching you in the superbowl one day.
Tebowing-Canton! Looking good little man, very nice form! Just keep mimicing UF quaterbacks, not VT or you’ll be wearing jailhouse orange.
Hi Canton Gregory,
Thanks for sharing another one of your great talents!!! You amaze all of us. Wonder what you will be showing us next? We love all of you and thanks again for the adorable blanket with your picture on it you gave me for Christmas. I love it!!!!!
Keep up the Tebowing!! I think you do it better than Tebow himself. And remember to cheer for those Hokie Alums like #19, Eddie Royal! He made a spectaculor TD catch 🙂
Miss you buddy!! Hope to see you and Mommy and Daddy and your sister Roxy soon!! 🙂