Happy Birthday Liberty!

Liberty was so lucky to have much of her family come celebrate her first year at her party!

Nanny and Rhonda came up from FL; Pap and Janice came; as well as Poppy, Grandma, GG, and Beth!

Liberty got a few new toys like a little kitchen from Nanny and her princess car from Rhonda! Rhonda also gave her enough clothes to fill her closet! Beth bought her some cute tops that will be perfect for our trip to Florida! Poppy and Grandma found a cute blue star dress, Becky sent a beautiful dress from Mexico, and Pap picked out a pretty purple dress for Liberty! GG and Janice gave a tea set and Barbie doll that she already loves, but we will wait a few more months for the small parts.

Liberty had fun opening her presents, but, like her brother, she did not eat her cake!

We are so thankful for all everyone has done for us during this past year with our sweet girl! Liberty is a special girl, she is a reflection of all we have lost during her short time, but a reminder to love strong each day. We know Greg, Mal, Grandpa, and Great Granddaddy are with us along the way. We feel their absences deeply, but are so thankful for the memories and those memories will live on in Canton and Liberty. We are so lucky that even long distances won’t keep our family from being together to celebrate important milestones.

Happy Birthday Liberty!

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