Happy New Year!
Monthly Archives: December 2023
Merry Christmas 2023
Merry Christmas to All!
The Murphy kids sure must have been good this year! Santa brought them all musical instruments and Adleigh named their band “The Squirrels”! Canton has already taken off with learning some chords on the guitar. Liberty can actually make a great sound on the violin, as opposed to my creaking staircase sound. Adleigh has played her ukulele so much she has a blister 🙁

We enjoyed FaceTiming and opening gifts with Nanny and Rhonda. Thanks to Becky and Ben for the games they sent!

Liberty is so excited to her new silky pjs and sheets!

Thanks for Pap for the cards! So glad we got to spend time with you!

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Christmas Eve 2023
We made cookies, a gingerbread house, and played games, Merry Christmas!

Winchester Christmas
We visited Pap and the Murphy crew for an early Christmas.
We enjoyed a nice lunch at Pap’s followed by a stroll around his property and spending some time together. We are always so grateful and so blessed to have time with him!

Then we had dinner at Poppy and Grandma’s with Beth and opened presents. Merry Christmas Everyone!

Christmas Carol Shows
Adleigh is so fun to watch in Christmas Carol! She has so much expression and her voice is loud and clear! She truly enjoys her time on the stage! She had a show last night and didn’t get home until after 11, bed near 12 and still wanted up at 745 this morning to go do 3.5 hours of gymnastics and two shows today! I am in awe of her passion!

And Liberty played harp in the lobby before the show! What a talented trio that I am so blessed to call mine!

Adleigh’s First Gymnastics Meet
Adleigh has her very first gymnastics meet this morning! She is a member of the Bronze team at Williamsburg Gymnastics. Her team placed 2nd overall. Adleigh did a fantastic job! She place 2nd on beam (9.3), 2nd on bars (9.55), and 6th in all around. Then, we had to quickly shuttle her to the theatre for a two pm show of Christmas Carol. She has had a long week!
Adleigh you have managed your time well and have been so determined. Keep reaching for the stars! We cannot wait to see what you do next! We love you!

Even after her show, dinner, and a shower she is still wearing the medals! 🙂

Trip to the Moon
Canton took the the JHS stage for the first time last night in Trip to the Moon. He has been involved with the fall competition play “Donut Dollies” which will compete in the state championship in Charlottesville tomorrow!
Trip to the Moon is a series of vignettes centered around the moon landing. Canton plays Jack, the charismatic and annoying little brother of a family in one scene, and in another, he plays Brett, a well to do young man trying to cope in Vietnam.
Last night after the show, he was presented with three roses and notes from Rhonda, Beth, and Poppy and Grandma. This was such a nice gesture of love and support! Much appreciated! Canton has two more shows and then auditions for the musical next week!

Liberty Winter 2023 Harp Recital
Liberty continues to work hard at the harp. The class had their level one and two recitals on 12/4. It is wild that just a couple years ago she was playing hot cross buns and now can perform much more intricate and beautiful songs. If she keeps working hard she will be in the level three ensemble class in the fall. Way to go Liberty, we are so proud of you!

Christmas Carol 2023
After two years of Canton and Mike performing in Christmas Carol at WP it is time for Adleigh to hit the stage! We are so proud of her for expressing an interest and putting in all the time to learn the songs and blocking. Tonight is their first of 12 performances! It couldn’t happen without Mike who has given hours to build the set, courage to take on his own role, and his guidance and love to share it with Adleigh. We are truly blessed!