Canton entered his first chess tournament today and won 4th place! Great job, Canton!

Canton entered his first chess tournament today and won 4th place! Great job, Canton!
This evening was the spring choir concert. They sang several songs and Canton was recognized for being the first freshman with state honors as well as being voted on by his classmates as the Most Outstanding Musician! Congratulations Canton!
Happy Birthday Canton! We love you! Thanks for everyone for sending cards and money for Scotland!
Happy Mother’s Day to the most loving, caring, and supportive Mom there is. We are all so thankful for you everyday – one day a year to celebrate you is not enough! Thank you for your constant guidance and unconditional love. We love you!
Dear Canton,
Happy 15th birthday!
What a marvel! I wish I could write a letter without gushing over just how fast you are growing up and just how soon you will be off to college. I can’t. I can’t help but reflect on the incredible journey you’ve had so far and the astonishing man you are becoming. When I look at you I see all the versions of Canton, the colicky baby to the teenager taller than me. It was just yesterday you were the toddler that would crawl into my lap with a book in one hand and a Thomas train in the other, full of curiosity and wonder. Now here you are, stepping out of your freshman year with kindness, wit, grace, and charm.
“Practically perfect, in every way…”
They say you are only as happy as your unhappiest child. Last year, that was you. You were miserable in middle school, surrounded by people, kids and adults, who did not appreciate your gifts. You missed 30+ days of school and still managed to have perfect grades. You can’t choose when people acknowledge you, lesson learned, you chose to fight forward, onward to better things.
This year, you have only missed one day, have a 4.0, and as Mr. Loy says “No moss grows under his feet!” I should know, we have added miles and miles on the van taking you all over and eat in shifts because you are rarely home. You have brilliantly juggled Marching Band, Donut Dollies, Trip to the Moon, Choir, Latin, Scholastic Bowl, Forensics, Peter and the Starcatcher, and Mary Poppins. You received national recognition on the National Latin Exam, became the first freshman ever at Jamestown to be awarded State Choir delegation, and won third place in VHSL State Forensics! The difference this past year to the one prior is nothing short of magic.
“Oh, it’s a jolly holiday…”
When I think of magic, I think of Mary Poppins. Just like Mary, you bring magic into our lives. These words transport us to a world where every moment is infused with magic and wonder, where the impossible becomes possible. I truly never know what you are going to do next. Will you entertain your sisters with trivia about different cultures and ages past? Will you compose a masterpiece? Will you captivate audiences with your performances? Will you simply share in laughter at Curb and flawlessly predict upcoming twists?
You have this remarkable ability to brighten up even the gloomiest of days with your infectious laughter and boundless curiosity. Your teachers adore you, really, I’ve gotten that email several times this year! Like Mary, you have a way of turning the ordinary into the extraordinary, and I can’t help but marvel at the joy you bring to everyone around you.
“Up through the atmosphere, up where the air is clear, oh, let’s go fly a kite!”
Mr. Stone said this song would make all the older people cry, and you did not get that, or more precisely, you do not find the same value in simple joys, you were too busy worrying about perfecting the blocking and vocals. These words remind us to cherish the moments of pure delight, to revel in the beauty of the world around us, and to find solace in the company of loved ones. I loved watching you splash and play in the pool the night before the state finals of forensics, soaking up the fun with you sisters and enjoying a hotel experience before such a big day. May you never be too old or too serious to just go fly a kite!
“Childhood’s a step in time, parenthood’s the same…”
You have transitioned from childhood to a teenager and soon you will be an adult. Each of these steps bring lessons for life. Embrace the journey, cherish the memories, and learn from every experience. Don’t always feel you have to have one eye on the future, the good old days are happening right now, and they will dance on by before you know it. May you not always be longing for the next step, never miss a chance to relish in each one.
“Winds in the east, there’s a mist coming in, like something is brewing, about to begin…”
Just like Mary Poppins taught Jane and Michael, you’re growing up to be kind, brilliant, responsible, and full of potential. Your sense of wonder knows no bounds, and I admire your courage to keep learning and growing. Whether you’re soaring high on the wings of imagination or facing the challenges of growing up, or even general teenage angst, always remember that you carry magic within you.
As you embark on this new chapter in your life, I want you to know that I believe in you with my whole being. You have already accomplished so much, and the world is truly your oyster. Keep embracing life with your same sense of wonder and curiosity, you will say it is cliche or too sentimental, but there really is no limit to what you can achieve.
“Anything can happen if you let it, life out there is waiting, so go and get it…”
Life is full of possibilities. As you step into your 16th year, remember that anything can happen if you allow yourself to dream, to believe, and to act. There will be challenges along the way, but with determination and perseverance, you can overcome them all. You possess a unique blend of magic and resilience. I have watched you bang on the piano for hours to perfect your craft. You practice dance moves in tiny moments when you think no one is watching. You have a dedication of which many can only dream. You have the power to turn the ordinary into the extraordinary, to find joy in the smallest moments, and to spread kindness wherever you go.
Huzzah, my dear Canton, on your fifteenth birthday! May your day be filled with laughter, love, and all the magic that you bring into our lives. Always remember, no matter where life takes you, you’ll always be magic to us.
I love you sunshine!
Adleigh worked so hard this year on the Bronze team! She is so excited to spend 7 hours a week flipping all over the place. She has had to spend time working on her vault to get is close to her higher scoring events like bar and beam.
Today, with 98 other gymnasts, she competed in the 8 yr old competition. She placed 6th on beam! She should feel so proud!! She also received a participation medal for making it to states. Congratulations, Adleigh! We love you!!!