Big Boy Cereal!

Well since Canton has doubled his birth weight and it holding his head so well he has taken the next big step:  cereal!  We started with just a teaspoon, he’ll move to thicker fare soon enough!

Here’s the first bite

Ceral! 005

Ceral! 006

Ceral! 007

 He definitely noticed the different texture and spoon, hence the bad faces…

Ceral! 011

Ceral! 012

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Ceral! 032

But he soon wanted more!

Ceral! 010

He started to figure it out…

Ceral! 036

Ceral! 041

Ceral! 053

Ceral! 054

Then the mess came…

Ceral! 048

but he soon showed he loved it!

Ceral! 027

Ceral! 028

Ceral! 043

Ceral! 050

Ceral! 059

We’ll try a bit more in a few days! 🙂

Six Weeks and Rolling Over

I’m six weeks old today!  Mom sure is glad she has the rest of the summer to spend with me instead of going back to work.  I  impressed mom and dad with a new trick on Monday (6/22)– rolling from my stomach to my back!  Mom and dad were thrilled when it happened, they think it is funny how little tasks like this are such milestones to them, just wait until I can walk and talk!

Here are some of mom’s attempts to grab a picture of one of my many smiles.  The rest of these are pictures from today (my third day of rolling from my stomach to my back).  You can see how I move so well all over the place, I even ended up in the pole of my activity gym one time!