Six Weeks and Rolling Over

I’m six weeks old today!  Mom sure is glad she has the rest of the summer to spend with me instead of going back to work.  I  impressed mom and dad with a new trick on Monday (6/22)– rolling from my stomach to my back!  Mom and dad were thrilled when it happened, they think it is funny how little tasks like this are such milestones to them, just wait until I can walk and talk!

Here are some of mom’s attempts to grab a picture of one of my many smiles.  The rest of these are pictures from today (my third day of rolling from my stomach to my back).  You can see how I move so well all over the place, I even ended up in the pole of my activity gym one time!

3 thoughts on “Six Weeks and Rolling Over

  1. Hey Can Man. You are growing up so fast. I love that smile of yours. Grandma misses you and hopes to see you soon.

  2. Oh my gosh Canton you are so cute, I can’t get over the picture of you smiling when you are wearing that little whale onesie. It is so fun to get to watch you grow and see your personality emerge. Cannot wait to see you on Saturday and see you in action!

  3. Hi Canton,
    You get cuter everyday!!!and are growing so fast. The smile you have is precious. Mom & Dad are doing an excellent job in taking care of you and teaching you new tricks. Wish we lived closer so we could see you more often but we will see you again soon. I look at the messages and pictures Mom & Dad send everyday of you and am so thankful for the very “special” gift all of us have been blessed with. We love you so much and will always treasure our times with you. Have fun rolling over and playing!!!
    Love you,
    “Mal” & Pap

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