Christmas Round Two

Well, since Aunt Becky and Grandma just called wanting more pictures I made mom finally get around to doing it.

I had a great time with Dad’s family earlier in the week, I got more presents and got to see more family, what a holiday!  One of my gifts was an Erine doll just like Dad got almost thirty years ago!  I had fun hanging out with Grandpap, he’s my man.

When we got home Roxy and I had fun looking out the window at the blowing snow and the cars.  Mom thought we were pretty cute and a dangerous pair!  I’ve been moving around a lot more too, hopefully that pesky crawling won’t be too far away.

Mom goes back to work tomorrow, send nice thoughts her way, she’s going to miss me a LOT!

One thought on “Christmas Round Two

  1. Hi Buddy
    Tell Mom thanks, we been waiting a long time for new pictures. You have had a very busy Christmas looks like you got all kinds of new toys to keep you busy. You and Roxy look sooooooooooooo cute in the window. Keep Mom and Dad busy I will see you soon.
    Love Granmal

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