5 weeks! Liberty had a return visit of Pap, PLUS BECKY AND BEN! She’s been awake more and tracking her favorite little doll quite well.
Canton has been having a great time with B & B, he’s going to miss them so much when they leave Monday.
Seriously? How does this happen?
They say August is the Sunday of Summer, it seems that time is just flying for our sweet girl. The first few weeks of Canton seemed to take forever, but this time around it has amazed us how much she has grown already. Tipping the scales at 9.5 lbs she’s already grown like 50%! Hug ’em tight, it flies.
Wow! Three weeks have passed since our sweet girl was born. She’s doing so well, she was 8lbs at her two week check-up and will last about four hours at night between feedings, so we are getting used to our new normal.
We had a few visitors this past weekend. Mike’s family ventured down, Pap stopped by again, and Jessica came all the way up to see Liberty!
Canton has been more interested in holding and observing Liberty, he’s such a great big brother and a fantastic helper!
Two weeks have passed since the arrival of Liberty May! She’s starting to get on more of a schedule, or maybe we are just getting more used to her. She will sleep for about four hours at night, which is a welcome respite from every two hours. Canton has been a big helper and even had a Candyland piece for Liberty today! He was really excited when she grabbed his finger!
She goes for her two week check-up on Monday, we’ll give you stats then, but I’d venture to say she’s certainly back to her birth weight and the jaundice is gone! Can you believe two more weeks it will be a month??
It’s hard to believe Liberty is already one week old. If one child changes your life, two definitely makes it much more complicated. We’ve been trying to adjust to a “new normal” with our sweet girl. Thank goodness she is SUCH a good baby. Canton was trying, he was colicky, and all around generally not satisfied. Liberty is so content and hardly fusses. She is SO strong too, especially for such a tiny thing! I guess it is better that your second baby is the flexible one.
Mike and Rhonda had her on her tummy on 7/10 and saw her roll over! I’m calling a fluke, but even still, she can wiggle right out of her swaddle and drag herself several inches on her play-mat. She’s already starting to hold her head like a pro too!
Our first week was filled with vistors, doctor appointments, and lots of firsts. It is hard not to wish the first few weeks away, especially being up every two hours and trying to provide Canton some sort of attention, but we are trying to be mindful of enjoying every moment. We have had the best helper in Nanny for this week and will be so depressed when she leaves. Hopefully everyone will be back soon for another visit. We feel so blessed to have Liberty and look forward to all the incredible weeks to come!